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Mastering Your Mind

Make a Difference in The World ~ The Buddhist Way

Life as a Spiritual Practice One of our favorite times to meditate is at the gym. This isn’t a formal eyes closed practice, visualizing big muscles or meditating on good form. Rather we have found the gym to provide the…

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Two individuals seated cross-legged on the grass at an outdoor yoga event, surrounded by other participants in a sunny urban park setting.

Science shows how decreasing stress is necessary to increasing happiness

4 Game-Changing Brain Science Discoveries Redefine Happiness Our latest article is inspired by our passion for happiness published on Psychcentral… Have you ever tried to tell yourself to “just relax” and “enjoy” an unexpected traffic-filled commute that is sure to…

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Two cheerful young women posing playfully against a blue background.

Strengthen Your MindBody Connection: Heart Rate Variability

 Heart Rate Variability & The Vagus Nerve While working at Sanoviv Medical Institute, a world-renowned functional medical hospital, we learned about one of the most important connections between the mind and body. It was a lesson that would end up…

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image of Dr. Hilary Stokes and Dr. Kim Ward from Sanoviv Medical Institute

7 Ways Your Ego Sabotages Your Meditation Practice (& what to do about it)

Meditative Mind Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. 
It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there —buried under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day. — Deepak Chopra On most days…

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image of Dr Hilary and Dr Kim meditating in front of ocean at Sanoviv Medical Institute

Kale The New Superfood

Super Kale  By Chef Nelda Kale is being touted as a new ‘Super Food’. Kale is now recognized as providing support for the body’s detoxification system helping regulate cleansing at a genetic level. Its anti-inflammatory benefits play a leading dietary…

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Close-up of vibrant green curly kale leaves growing densely in a garden.

Meditate to Increase Your Focus and De-Clutter Working Memory

De-Clutter Working memory Everyone can agree that achieving your goals takes focus. How do you make something top of mind? The first and most important step to increase focus is to de-clutter your working memory. You have to make room…

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person meditating on a rock at dusk overlooking lake

Learn what zaps your brain power and what you can do about it

Brain Power: Your prefrontal cortex the cause of focus. Prefrontal cortex Focus & Working memory Have you ever put a note on your refrigerator or at your desk and within a week or less discover that you no longer see…

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image of brain with regions of the brain highlighted

Focus to Achieve Your Goals

It is now a few months into the New Year and a good time to evaluate your progress on your goals and intentions. Are you seeing the results you desire? Are you sustaining top of mind focus on your goals…

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A rock climber grips onto a steep overhang with focused determination.

February’s Favorite Flavor

Chocolate’s Unique Chemistry By Chef Nelda The flavor of chocolate goes beyond Willie Wonka and Valentine’s Day. This secret craving can turn guilt into the best day ever when you understand the science behind the madness. Chocolate’s unique chemistry, taste…

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Rows of chocolate candies in the shape of hearts on a wooden surface, with a glittery red heart ornament in the background.

Wired for Change

Are you ready to experience your best self in 2012? If you are like most people you have specific goals to accomplish and resolutions to make in order to feel like you are truly experiencing your best self. This is…

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An artistic rendition of a neuron with impulses represented by glowing points.

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