Hilary Stokes PHD

In this life one thing we know for sure is that we can’t go it alone. Compassionate support and a trusted guide on the path can make all the difference. I know it did for me many years ago. My own journey of healing from complex post-traumatic stress disorder has most influenced my practice over the past 25 years. I spent many years trying to talk and analyze my way through trauma. It was only when I found mind body approaches such as brainspotting, somatic therapy and EMDR that I experienced deep healing. My practice is dedicated to sharing the power of holistic approaches to heal, restore and reclaim your life. I am a licensed psychotherapist in the state of California with master’s degrees in both clinical social work and kinesiology specializing in sport psychology and a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology specializing in Tibetan Buddhism. I am also certified in a number of mind body approaches to healing.
Services We Offer:
PTSD Therapy
Somatic Therapy
Enneagram Coaching
In my first year of college, after many years of struggling with social anxiety, depression, an eating disorder and adrenal exhaustion, I was given a major wake-up call. I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and faced for the first time addressing past trauma. I had spent years in traditional talk-therapy approaches, only to feel like I was going in circles. I continued down the path of searching for a solution. I understand the value of a healthy mind because I know what it is like to have an unhealthy mind. After years of searching, I discovered through the combination of mind, body and spirit that true healing is possible. I am on a mission to support others in experiencing healing and transformation.
Professional experience
In addition to having a private practice for the past 25 years I have experience working in psychiatric hospitals, treatment centers for addictions and PTSD, schools and universities, integrative medical facilities, corrections facilities, and business organizations. Along with my personal healing journey, working at Sanoviv Medical Institute was one of the most meaningful experiences in my approach to therapy. Early in my career I had the opportunity to be part of the developmental phase at Sanoviv with a small team of integrative health professionals. Along with Dr. Kim Ward my primary role was to develop and oversee the psychology, spirituality, and fitness programs. In the nearly 10 years at Sanvoiv I witnessed firsthand the importance of integrating mind and body for physical, emotional and mental healing.
Therapy approach
Mind body counseling is an integrative and collaborative approach to healing, as well as a unique alternative to traditional talk therapy alone. Together we will explore, discover and transform what gets in the way of you feeling better and experiencing your authentic potential. You will be supported with a combination of advanced mind body strategies that bring about deep and lasting changes.
Heal unresolved issues from your past and stop the repetitive patterns of trauma, avoidance and unhealthy habits
Decrease stress, anxiety and depression
Breakthrough perceived limitations, patterns of self-sabotage and low self esteem
Stop letting fear act like inter-fear
Rewire your brain for the habit of happiness, contentment and presence
Release emotional baggage that is weighing you down
Experience more optimism, joy, peace and happiness
Discover purpose and passion for your life
Become more skillful in focusing your mind on what matters to you most
Make peace with your past and live in the present
My specialties include trauma, anxiety, depression, grief, sexuality, coping skills, self-esteem, addictions, eating disorders, relationship challenges, purpose in life, life transitions, social anxiety, performance anxiety and life balance.
If you are ready to feel better, I invite you to experience the power of your mind and body to transform, heal and live in the present. Learn practical tools to make peace with your past, transform stress and trauma, decrease anxiety and depression, create loving relationships, live with purpose and rewire your brain for happiness. Based on your needs, I individualize my approach using practices such as Brainspotting, mindfulness, somatic therapy, EMDR, energy psychology, hypnosis, meditation and the Enneagram Personality System.
Professional License & Certifications
Ph.D. Psychology specialization in Tibetan Buddhist Psychology, San Diego University for Integrative Studies
M.A. Kinesiology specialization in Sport Psychology, San Jose State University
M.S.W. Clinical Social Work, San Diego State University
B.A. Psychology, San Diego State University
Licensed Psychotherapist LCSW #22578
International Enneagram Association Accredited Professional
Certifications & Trainings
Certified Trauma Informed Coach
Certified Life Coach
Certified Brainspotting I, II, III, IV, Master Class, Expansion & Developmental Trauma
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
Certified Enneagram Guide: Enneagram Prison Project Guide Training Program
Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner
Timeline Therapy™ Practitioner
Biofeedback and EEG Training
Thought Field Therapy I & II
Healing Imagery
Mind/Body Medicine
Neuro Emotional Technique
Reiki Master
The Happy Map: Your roadmap to the habit of happiness
Manifesting Mindset: The 6-step formula for attracting your goals and dreams
Phone/Fax: (619) 819-6841
Email: contact@authenticityassociates.com
Our office is located in Carlsbad, CA 92009
We also do nationwide sessions via Skype and FaceTime.
Please contact us for an appointment.