Achieving Your Authentic Potential
Life Lessons from Athletes
Spring Into Exercise Spring brings sunshine, more time to enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of nature blooming. Spring offers the perfect inspiration to get out and get moving. We are very passionate about movement, exercise and feeling fit as…

Make a Difference in The World ~ The Buddhist Way
Life as a Spiritual Practice One of our favorite times to meditate is at the gym. This isn’t a formal eyes closed practice, visualizing big muscles or meditating on good form. Rather we have found the gym to provide the…

Choose Love
Five simple ways to choose love over fear Where there is love, there is life. ~ Gandhi In a time ripe for seeds of fear to grow, it is easy to feel powerless and go unconscious to how we can…

Universal Signs
The other day as we were rushing to make it to the gym for a spin class, we had an awe-inspiring gift from the Universe that literally stopped us in our tracks. A butterfly flew slowly overheard circling us and…

2 Words Can Change Your Life – Power of Thank You & Gratitude
If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you it would be enough. —Meister Eckhart Thank You We are truly blessed to have a holiday dedicated to feeling blessed! When you say ‘thank you’,…

Rewiring your brain takes more then positive thinking
5 Ways To Rewire Your Brain For Meaningful Life Changes. Neuroscientists have discovered the strategy for rewiring the brain. Contrary to popular approaches, this strategy involves more than just positive thinking or working hard. In fact, there are five pathways…

Purpose in Life
The journey of life is the destination itself Each of us has an inherent purpose in life. Yet according to research less than 5 out of 100 people have even the slightest clue as to what that might be. Without…

5 science backed strategies to practice gratitude and appreciation
Appreciate Anything to Appreciate Everything. Appreciate and Be Happy Did you know the time you spend appreciating your life in general will actually help you make peace with the past and increase happiness in the present? Research shows when you…

Mind in Your Cells
Emotional Brain According to neuroscience, emotions are processed and communicated not just in the brain as once believed, but on the outside of cells in the form of neuropeptides. Neuropeptides, discovered by researcher Candace Pert in the 1980’s, are the…

Mind-Body Connection
Mind in the Body, Body in the Mind What you think and feel impacts your physical body. Conversely, how you feel physically impacts your thoughts and emotions. For instance, if you feel butterflies in your stomach your mind will immediately…