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An artistic rendition of a neuron with impulses represented by glowing points.

Wired for Change

Are you ready to experience your best self in 2012?

If you are like most people you have specific goals to accomplish and resolutions to make in order to feel like you are truly experiencing your best self. This is the time of year that most people identify areas of change and put a plan in place to make that change happen. In fact over 1 million people set New Year’s Resolutions. Unfortunately despite good intentions the majority of these resolutions last less than one month.  Advances in brain science reveal key reasons for this lack of success.  To help you experience lasting success we would like to share science based solutions for your 2012 goals and intentions.

You are wired to not only create your habits but also to change your habits. 

 Neuroscience and Neurogenesis

Perhaps you’ve heard it said before, ‘The only constant in life is change.’ Breakthroughs in neurosciencehave led to a clearer understanding of how your brain holds the answer to changing your habits. The term neural plasticity has emerged to represent the brain’s capacity to change. One such discovery is that we are constantly developing new brain cells through a process called neurogenesis. Not too long ago it was believed that the brain cells you were born with were the only brain cells you were going to get.  As you can imagine neurogenesishas significant implications for people with brain conditions as well as anyone seeking to have good brain health into their Golden Years.ur habits.

 Neuroscience and Neural Plasticity

According to Norman Doidge, author of The Brain that Changes Itself, a second major finding is that your brain responds plastically to change by reorganizing or rewiring itself. He discovered
the specific factors that cause your brain to rewire itself; how you perceive, think about, feel about, act towards and imagine a desired change.  Doidge’s findings challenge the dominantly held view that the functions that make up brain structures are hardwired and thus cannot change.

The discovery that you can rewire your brain is exciting in two ways:

  1.  It provides confidence that change is possible
  2. It offers direct solutions to capitalize on the plastic nature of the brain to make desired changes last

You have the power to change & thus to be, do and have what you want.

Coaching and Counseling

Hilary Stokes Ph.D. and Kim Ward Ph.D. have been a team for 20 years, specializing in mind, body, spirit psychology. They are the authors of the bestselling books The Happy Map: Your roadmap to the habit of happiness and Manifesting Mindset: The 6-step formula for attracting your goals and dreams and founders of Authenticity Associates Coaching and Counseling. They are passionate about combining the best of holistic and traditional approaches to health and happiness. If you are interested in learning the answers to the most frequently asked questions on how to decrease stress and increase happiness sign up for their free video series.

About the Authors

A smiling woman with blond hair, wearing a pink top, posing outdoors with greenery in the background.

Hilary Stokes Phd

Dr. Hilary Stokes is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in San Diego, California. Dr. Hilary received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies, a master’s degree in social work from San Diego State University and a master’s degree in Sport Psychology from San Jose State University. In addition to her ….

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A woman with short blonde hair smiling, wearing a striped shirt, with pink flowers and greenery in the background.

Kim Ward Phd

Dr. Kim Ward received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies. She also holds a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. Dr. Kim is a certified trauma-informed coach and life coach in private practice in San Diego, California. In…

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