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image of sound waves

The Quantum Mechanics of Changing Thoughts

Quantum Mechanics and Your Vibrational Frequency

image of sound waves

Every thought and emotion has its own vibrational frequency or wave frequency. Quantum mechanics has demonstrated how a wave frequency can be altered. The shape of a wave has peaks and valleys. Energy waves are encoders and carriers of information with an infinite capacity for storage. When you overlay an opposite shaped wave on to an original wave, the original wave is straightened. Essentially you cancel out the characteristics of the original wave by overlaying a new exact opposite set of peaks and valleys on top of it. You change the vibrational frequency.

Thoughts are Like Sound Waves

This has been demonstrated with sound waves where researchers are attempting to create a quiet environment. You can use sound to literally cancel and silence unwanted noises. This technology is used for corporate offices adjacent to noisy businesses or in doctors and counseling offices where voices can be heard between treatment rooms or in the car industry to make engines quieter.

Mechanics of Changing Thoughts

Let’s extend this now to understanding the mechanics of changing thoughts or emotional patterns. Comprehending this is taking into consideration the subatomic causal level of thinking and feeling. If you identify an exact opposite positive thought to counter a negative thought you are using this principle. Take a moment and think about the word stress. Now take a moment and think about the word relax. Think about the word fear and now the word safe. It sounds simple and it is. The trick is you have over 60, 000 thoughts per day to work with. In any case, this is the basic idea and where the positive thinking movement has made a powerful impact in changing lives.

Your Perception Your Reality 

To change your thinking, you must adopt the belief that your perception of the world is what determines your reality. When you discover how to effectively choose your perceptions, you change your ability to cultivate happiness. Because you have far more control over your internal world than your external world, this is the best place to decrease stress and raise your happiness. We are specifically referring to your response to situations via your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When you change your response, you change your experience of the situation. This single factor has the potential to dramatically alter the course of your life journey. 

2 Levels of Internal Control 

  1. Your Perception
  2. Your Response

Perception: How you perceive an event impacts the amount of stress you experience. You can choose to view a situation in such a way that validates your reasons for feeling stressed, or you can view it so that you feel motivated and up for the challenge to deal with it. Because every action is preceded by a thought and an emotion, it’s a good idea to start with your perception if you plan to rewire your experience of stress.

Response: You may not be able to control what happens, but you can control how you respond to what happens. Your response includes not only your actions but also the degree of tension you allow in your mind and body. Decreasing mind-body tension requires working with mind-body practices. One of the strategies we have found most helpful on this journey is brainspotting therapy. It’s your response that will either stop your experience of stress or perpetuate and fuel the stress cycle.

The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it can’t be changed without changing our thinking.  — Albert Einstein 

Perceptions Are Your Interpretations – Your real mind power

It has been said that we are meaning-make machines overlaying our subjective interpretation onto everything we experience. Why do we do this? This is how we learn and integrate new information in an efficient and economical way. We associate our present experience with our past and make up what it means based on the culmination of our experiences to date on that subject. This allows us to move through our day without relearning how to make breakfast, get dressed, or find our way home. It also enables us to assess our environment and make quick decisions so that we can move through our day with ease and flow. This can be highly useful in these types of basic life situations. However, this can get us into trouble if we aren’t conscious of our interpretations. We tend to have the “know-it-all syndrome” where we attempt to figure it all out before allowing ourselves to experience it. This is similar to walking into a library and picking a book that was written in the early 1900s and then assuming that the entire library is filled with old books. Being a know-it-all results in holding ourselves and others to the past.

You have never been where you are in this moment, now, yet your mind finds a way to make it familiar so that you think it’s the same.

“It’s the end of the world,” said the caterpillar.

“It’s just the beginning,” said the butterfly.

— Anonymous

Exploring your interpretations is powerful work. It brings you to the empowered place of self-responsibility and gives you real mind power. The key is to realize you are the common denominator in your life. Your perception drives your behavior. You can start with owning your interpretations and navigating your way through other ways of looking at the situation. In doing so, you increase your control over your internal world and raise your happiness potential.

You may think you know or you’re certain about your perception. But how can you really be 100% certain? You have the ability to choose your perceptions. As long as you’re making it all up, you may as well choose something that moves you in the direction of happiness, well-being, and self-esteem.

Facts Versus Interpretations

One way to help loosen the hold of your interpretations is to consider the facts within a situation. Ask yourself this question:

‘What are the facts in this situation, outside of your interpretations about it?’

As you separate the raw, objective facts from the interpretations, you give yourself more power to choose a different interpretation.

Empowering Questions Tool

Another tool for stepping outside of your interpretations and choosing a more empowered growth mindset is to explore the questions you ask yourself. The types of questions you ask matter tremendously in whether you feel empowered or powerless in your life.

  • Why is this important to me?
  • What positive outcome will this bring?
  • What is working in this situation?
  • Why is this happening to me?
  • Who is to blame?
  • What went wrong?

How do you feel when reading each of these questions? You will likely notice a difference with each one.

Empowered Mindset is a Growth Mindset

Empowering questions take into account what is positive or of value in the current situation. They empower your mind to seek out the solutions or what is working instead of the problems and what is not working. They allow you to develop a growth mindset to experience more internal control in your life.

The Role of Emotions

A thought without intense emotion and feeling has no meaning, no value, and no real power to effectively engage your neural pathways. Intensity of emotion and feeling is required to take an experience and make it a solidified habit. The more emotion you engage, the more neurons you activate to form well-worn pathways. Emotions and feelings act as the glue that binds you to experiences. They are the juice, or energy, behind your thoughts that give power to your memories, goals, hopes, and dreams.

Vibrational Frequency of Emotions

The Latin root word for emotion, emotere, literally means “energy in motion.” In and of itself, emotion is neutral. It’s neither positive nor negative. What you think of as emotion is actually the experience of energy moving through your physical body. We experience emotion as energy frequencies and their correlating physical sensations in the body such as expansion or contraction. Feelings are the interpretation and labels we apply to the experience of emotion, such as sad, mad, or glad.

David Hawkins, researcher and author of Power vs. Force, demonstrates emotions as energy. He devised a scale that rates the energy level of basic human emotions, with a range of 1 to 1,000. Anything below 200 is considered unhealthy for the individual and society (shame 20, guilt 30, apathy 50, grief 75, fear 100, desire 125, anger 150, pride 175). Anything above 200 represents constructive expressions of power (courage 200, neutrality 250, willingness 310, acceptance 350, reason 400, love 500, joy 540, peace 600, enlightenment 700 -1000).

What happens in your brain when you feel happy instead of neutral is entirely different. Emotion has executive power and an overriding influence in your brain’s terrain.

What this means for you: This single shift in consciousness regarding the difference between emotions and feelings will save you time and energy by minimizing repetitive stress and unhappiness. It is another key to real mind power. Based on this understanding, the strategy for happiness includes:

Recognize your emotion as energy frequencies in your body.

Choose to identify and release the body sensations correlating with that emotion.

Engage your thoughts with empowering questions about what you want to experience.

In doing so, you step out of the vicious cycle of stress and step into your power in the present moment.

 Health Awareness

You can apply this awareness of the Quantum Mechanics of thoughts and Energy of Emotions to your health. The body has 60 trillion cells. Each cell has its own energetic signature or wave frequency that is highly sensitive to your thoughts and emotions.

 Goals and Dreams

You can apply this to creating your goals and dreams. Like energy attracts like energy. Focus on what you want and get what you want. Begin to live from the place of already having what it is that you desire and notice how events, circumstances and people begin to show up in your life to help you create exactly what you want.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the relationship between quantum mechanics and our thoughts and emotions?

Quantum mechanics demonstrates that everything is energy including our thoughts and emotions. This allows us to consider that our thoughts and emotions can be powerful in influencing our experiences.

2. How are thoughts similar to sound waves?

Thoughts have their own energetic frequency similar to sound waves. Through the advancement of technology, we can measure the smallest of particles that show the frequencies of thoughts. Comparing thoughts to sound waves gives an important visual to the power of understanding both positive and negative thoughts and our ability to change them.

3. How can understanding quantum mechanics help in changing our thoughts or emotional patterns?

In the simplest terms, when we recognize that thoughts and emotions are energy in action, we can use this to be more intentional in creating what we want. The creative power of your mind can work for you or against you. Your positive as well as your not so positive thoughts and emotions emit energy potential resulting in what you energetically attract into your life.

4. What is the significance of the concept “Your Perception Your Reality” in the context of changing thoughts?

Perception drives behavior and action thus making perception key to what we experience in life. How we perceive something has more to do with our history than with what is happening in the present moment. As we encounter new situations, we automatically compare them with what we believe to be familiar or similar from the past. This is an instinctual part of what allows us to respond or react as quickly as possible for safety, survival and functionality. If we are not present to this process, we will tend to habitually see the present through the lens of the past and often limit our ability to create the changes we want. Being present also allows us to choose how we want to perceive current circumstances given the present-day facts and our skill level.

5. How do perceptions and responses play a role in our internal control?

You have far more control over your internal world than your external world. We are specifically referring to your response to situations via your thoughts, emotions, and actions. When you change your response, you change your experience of the situation. This single factor has the potential to dramatically alter the course of your life journey.

6. How does perception influence our behavior and our experience of stress?

How you perceive an event impacts the amount of stress you experience. You can choose to view a situation in such a way that validates your reasons for feeling stressed, or you can view it so that you feel up for the challenge to deal with it. Because every action is preceded by a thought and an emotion, it’s a good idea to start with your perception to rewire your experience of stress.

7. What is the difference between facts and interpretations, and how can distinguishing between them empower us?

We overlay our subjective interpretation onto everything we experience. Facts are neither positive nor negative. When we acknowledge that our perception and interpretations have more to do with how we feel than the actual facts of situations and circumstances, we have power to change.

8. How can empowering questions help in developing a growth mindset?

Inquiry or questions are one primary way our brain communicates and manages information. You may not be aware of this process because it is happening on a primarily subconscious level. However, you can bring your awareness to the process to make desired changes. It has been said that ‘the quality of your questions determines the quality of your experiences’. When you change your questions to consider what is of value or positive in a situation you strengthen your growth mindset.

9. What is the role of emotions in solidifying our experiences and memories?

Thoughts without strong emotion have no real power to engage your neural pathways. Intensity of emotion allows you to activate, strengthen and solidify new memory pathways in the brain.

10. How can understanding the difference between emotions and feelings lead to real mind power?

The Latin derivative for the word emotion, ‘emotere’ literally means energy in motion. This implies that emotions are fluid, moving resources meant to be felt and released vs. suppressed and ignored. Emotions serve as the carrier waves for the entire spectrum of feelings. In itself, emotional energy is neutral. The feeling sensation and physical reaction are what make a specific emotion positive or negative. It’s then your interpretations or thoughts about it that give it meaning. Feeling therefore is what you label as anger, sadness, joy, fear or happiness. For example, if you feel sad, it’s common to experience the emotional sensation of tightness in your throat. As you express feelings of sadness by crying and moving the tight emotional energy through your throat, you may notice at first the sensations intensify. Consequently, you may become aware of more feelings of sadness. How you choose to deal with these feelings is a pivotal choice. If you continue to find more reasons for feeling sad, you will continue to intensify feelings of sadness. If, on the other hand, you turn your attention to the sensation of emotion and away from the reasons why you feel sad, you will find the emotion and feeling of sadness will shift more quickly. When you move out of your story about why you are sad and into releasing the emotional energy of sadness in your body, you will experience more relief and real mind power.

11. How can the principles of quantum mechanics be applied to our health and well-being?

When we understand everything is energy including our body, thoughts and emotions then we can intentionally use what we are thinking, feeling and doing to improve our health.

12. How does the concept of “like energy attracts like energy” relate to achieving our goals and dreams?

Given thoughts, emotions and actions are energy and like energy attracts, your mindset and your actions are vital to realizing your goals.

Coaching and Counseling

Hilary Stokes Ph.D. and Kim Ward Ph.D. have been a team for 20 years, specializing in mind, body, spirit psychology. They are the authors of the bestselling books The Happy Map: Your roadmap to the habit of happiness and Manifesting Mindset: The 6-step formula for attracting your goals and dreams and founders of Authenticity Associates Coaching and Counseling. They are passionate about combining the best of holistic and traditional approaches to health and happiness. If you are interested in learning the answers to the most frequently asked questions on how to decrease stress and increase happiness sign up for their free video series.

About the Authors

A smiling woman with blond hair, wearing a pink top, posing outdoors with greenery in the background.

Hilary Stokes Phd

Dr. Hilary Stokes is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in San Diego, California. Dr. Hilary received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies, a master’s degree in social work from San Diego State University and a master’s degree in Sport Psychology from San Jose State University. In addition to her ….

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A woman with short blonde hair smiling, wearing a striped shirt, with pink flowers and greenery in the background.

Kim Ward Phd

Dr. Kim Ward received her PhD in psychology with a specialty in transpersonal psychology from San Diego University for Integrative Studies. She also holds a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology from John F. Kennedy University in Orinda, California. Dr. Kim is a certified trauma-informed coach and life coach in private practice in San Diego, California. In…

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