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Why Do We Sabotage Success

Two women, identified as dr. kim ward and dr. hilary stokes, sitting in an office, facing the camera.Click to View

Have you ever wondered why you keep doing the very thing you want to stop doing? No matter how hard you try, your efforts just don’t seem to work. There is often an internal struggle of paramount degree as you attempt to figure out how to stop doing that thing that you know is not healthy. What most people don’t realize is that the majority of solutions for changing habits will only bring short term results and lead to long term frustration and disappointment.

Learn what drives your behaviors and actions. In doing so you will put yourself in the driver’s seat to making desired changes in your life and breaking the cycle of self sabotage.

Contact us

Phone/Fax: (619) 819-6841


Our office is located in Carlsbad, CA 92009

We also do nationwide sessions via Zoom and FaceTime.

Please contact us for an appointment.

Two women sitting on rocks on the shore overlooking the sunset and the sea

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